Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

The chronic prostatitis the most common of which is an inflammatory disease of organs male genital system. It hits, and the young men, and older men. Statistics show that 80-year-old 8 out of 10 men will learn what is chronic prostatitis, of the experience.

What is the chronic prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. The more often to its emergence are not healed at the time of infection of the urinary system. The catalyst for the development of the inflammation can become hypothermia, lack of physical activity, decreased immunity due to other diseases, venereal diseases, the presence of bad habits, constant fatigue and stress.

The peak incidence is 20 to 40 years of age the most active age. However, to identify this disease is difficult, the symptoms of prostatitis often hidden under other diseases, and vice-versa — the diseases of other organs can give a clinical picture similar to prostatitis.

Normal prostate and painful

We distinguish acute bacterial of the prostate and chronic prostatitis . The first type occurs rarely less than 5% of all cases. 95% — that is the chronic prostatitis, which is extremely rare, is a consequence of the acute form of the disease. Often, chronic prostatitis is primary.

For help
The prostate is involved in the maintenance of a good urinary pH and the vitality of the sperm, protects the genito-urinary system infections.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The first sign of the development of prostatitis is causing discomfort, as well as aching or cutting pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes, the pain makes in the thigh or lower back and often exacerbated after ejaculation.

Develops very quickly and the sexual dysfunction — decreased libido, erection problems and the duration of the sexual act. And finally, the pain starts to accompany each urination.

If you have noticed yourself-like symptoms, in no case do not self — determine the prostatitis for you, or to another disease, the doctor can only.

Laboratory symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The diagnosis is made only on the basis of the complaints of the patient in order to detect prostatitis, necessary for analysis in the laboratory. In particular, the analysis of urine, ejaculate and the secret of the prostate. In addition, often LINKS-study in order to determine the size and shape of the prostate.

When the chronic prostatitis bacterial are detected by the red blood cells in a microscopic examination of the secretions of the gland, is also characteristic of the presence of escherichia coli, enterobacteriaceae, clostridium or other micro-organisms in the ejaculate. During the chronic nonbacterial prostatitis chronic laboratory tests show the presence of leukocytes in the secret within, and in the third part of the urine.

The methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis

Generally, prostatitis is treated successfully with conservative methods. But the therapy must be comprehensive. Similarly, it is strongly recommended to revise the mode of life — an unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle and the promiscuity really play a role in the development of chronic prostatitis.

Medicamentous means

The drug therapy has several objectives are to be appointed by analgesics and anti-inflammatory, as well as drugs the activation of regeneriruyushchie-mediated autoimmune diseases and the function of the cells in the body. Probably, the treatment of the chronic prostatitis will have to follow the course of antibiotics. The course lasts about a month and a half, sometimes it takes several approaches. To prevent the development of dysbiosis prescribe probiotic preparations.

The prostate massage

The prostate massage is done manually through the anus. This is not the most pleasant, but its effectiveness is very high.


The treatment of chronic prostatitis thermal therapy gives good results thanks to the improvement of the microcirculation and absorption of drugs in tissues. The physiotherapy procedures apply to ultrasound heating and the irrigation with an antibacterial solution with the help of enemas.


In many homes successfully treated chronic prostatitis methods of balneotherapy, it is the aid of mineral waters. For the treatment of patients with prostatitis is generally attributed to the weakness of the water pipes as well as inside, and in the form of baths. There are spas, where they treat the prostatitis.


You begin to adhere to the special diet that is already following the first symptoms of prostatitis. In the first place, it is necessary to refuse alcoholic beverages, and ethyl alcohol irritates the ducts of the prostate, enhancing the pain and the inflammation. You should also limit his consumption of fatty meat, in order to exclude the formation of cholesterol from platelets and the deterioration of the blood circulation. Are banned the beans, mushrooms, organ meats, salty and spicy, the tea and coffee, soft drinks, as well as pastries.

The plan at the chronic prostatitis should include rich in zinc products (it is found in seafood, and squash seeds). It is recommended to eat more vegetables (with the exception of those that contribute to gas — for example, cabbage, cauliflower), dairy products, cereals and dried fruit.

It is important!
It is important to understand that the regime during chronic prostatitis — is not a temporary measure. If you put such a diagnosis, the principles of a good diet must at all times comply, otherwise a relapse is inevitable.


Operations at the prostatitis are appointed relatively rarely. The risk of complications and treatment failure, as well as on the long period of rehabilitation outweigh the contribution that can bring rapid response. Therefore, the operation in this case, the extreme measure. Surgical intervention is indicated in cases where conservative treatment does not give the effect, as well as during the pressing of the member — abscess of the prostate, abscess of the adjacent tissue, absence of urination, the presence of kidney stones and bladder, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or suspicious for cancer.

The main methods of surgical treatment of prostatitis are:

  • prostatectomy — complete removal of the prostate;
  • resection of the prostate — removal of part of the gland;
  • circumcisio — circular cutting all of the foreskin for the prevention of the development of prostatitis and the treatment of its chronic forms;
  • drainage of the abscess in order to be free of him purulent content.

The treatment of prostatitis takes long months and does not always lead to a complete cure. If you are diagnosed with a chronic prostatitis", prepare you to what will change the image of the life, otherwise the treatment is useless. Without any doubt, the prevention of prostatitis is much easier than treatment. To prevent the development of this disease, always use barrier methods of prevention, try as much as possible to move (prostate, a disease of sedentary life-style), to comply with the proper diet and avoid hypothermia.